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Inspirational article from Joanne Lowe

Index of Writings by Joanne Lowe on Gospel Web


“And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.”

Genesis 2: 15 King James Version

My sister and brother-in-law gave me some tomatoes and lettuce out of their garden. I ate one of the tomatoes this afternoon and it was delicious. It tasted much better than what you buy at the grocery store. Jesus planted a garden of love for us the day that He hung on the cross for us.

By His sacrificial death, mercy, compassion and love for us, He planted forgiveness, understanding, compassion, tenderness, comfort, mercy, kindness, hope and an assurance of a home in Heaven with Him. He has not been here for over two thousand years; He has left us to hug for Him. When is the last time you hugged your parents, children, spouses and loved ones and told them that you love them?

We need to realize that just as we want to be told that people love us; they also want to be told that we love them. A man once said “My wife knows I love her because I married her”. That broke my heart when I heard him say that about his wife. I know that Jesus Loves me because He proved it when He died on the cross for me, but if He didn’t tell me every day that He Loves me, it would break my heart.

When you grow up in a home where love was never expressed or shown you need more reassurance that people love you, than the ones who were blessed to grow up in a home where love was expressed verbally and by actions. I think a lot of times we are afraid to tell people we love them for fear of rejection. Jesus tells us every day that He loves us, yet many times He is rejected. Let’s start loving people to Jesus.

Joanne Lowe
July 1, 2006

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