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Inspirational article from Joanne Lowe

Index of Writings by Joanne Lowe on Gospel Web


“Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.”

2 Corinthians 2: 11 King James Version

Jesus has given me the privilege and honor of serving Him for almost a year. In nine days, it will be one year of full time service for Jesus. We know that makes satan very angry so he is trying to discourage me with computer problems, emails full of criticism, and people who say the Bible isn’t true. I just laugh because I know it is satan trying to discourage me.

If you are serving Jesus and it seems like everything is going wrong, don’t get discouraged, start laughing because it means that satan is angry because Jesus is getting the Victory once again. Jesus has already won the Final Victory on the Cross for us, but satan still tries to defeat us through circumstances, trials, and sad to say, sometimes our families.

I received an email two weeks ago from a lady who said her husband was extremely critical of her serving Jesus. I told her to keep serving Jesus and pray for her husband. Do not let anything or anyone keep you from serving Jesus. When Jesus was here, He didn’t let anyone keep Him from completing His Mission.

Last night I was starting to feel a little discouraged because of the computer problems. I shut off my computer at ten minutes to midnight and went into the bedroom to go to bed. I didn’t even get to undress before Jesus gave me the writing that I sent out this morning. It’s worth it all to make Jesus happy. Keep serving Jesus and don’t let satan deceive you.

Joanne Lowe
January 15, 2006

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