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Inspirational article from Joanne Lowe

Index of Writings by Joanne Lowe on Gospel Web


“Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.”

John 10: 17, 18 King James Version

What love from the heart of Jesus that He would willingly lay down His life for us! There is a song “He Could Have Called Ten Thousand Angels”. Yes, Jesus did not have to die for us or stay on that cross of torture. He did it because He Loves us so much. Are we willing to do things because we love people, or do we do them because it is expected and people are watching us?

Unless we are serving Jesus willingly, everything that we do means nothing to Him. He loves a cheerful giver. That includes more than money; it includes giving our time, talents, abilities and our lives to Him. He is not impressed with the amount of money that we spend; He is concerned with the motive behind the gift. O that we would give willingly from a heart of love to our families, loved ones and friends.

I’m reminded of the man who said “I had to do something extra for God today”. How that must have broken God’s heart! It is a privilege to do something for God. If we don’t do things willingly and cheerfully, we might as well not do them because they mean nothing to Jesus and to our loved ones.

How is your heart today? Do you have a willing heart, or do you have to force yourself to do something for Jesus? Are you in right standing with Him? If He were to come back right now, are you ready to meet Him? Has the blood and forgiveness of our Saviour been applied to your heart?

Joanne Lowe
August 15, 2006

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