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Inspirational Article From
Joanne Lowe

Index of Writings by Joanne Lowe on Gospel Web

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“And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.”

Matthew 9: 35, 36 King James Version

There are many people in this world whose hearts are fainting daily because of the lack of love and acceptance in their lives. They have been hurt, scorned, ridiculed and rejected by people who claimed to be their friends. Sad to say, some people have experienced and felt the depths of loneliness, heartache and despair because their families have been cruel to them. Over the last two years, I have received at least six emails from people who told me that they were hurting because their families didn’t love them. What a sad and tragic feeling not to feel loved and accepted by our families! It is no wonder at all that some people feel that committing suicide is the only answer to escape from the terrible devastating pain of not being loved.

Jesus is our great Physician. He is not only the Saviour of the world; He is the healer of our broken hearts and shattered lives. He comes to us when we think we can’t go another step or give another smile and deposits His healing love of mercy, kindness, grace, gentleness, compassion, tenderness, understanding and unconditional love in our hearts. He reaches down His hand of compassion and unconditional love and once again takes the poisonous barbs of satan, the world and our families from our hearts and replaces them with the assurance of His unending unconditional love.

He also felt all of these feelings that we experience but we will never be able to fully comprehend with our human minds the depths of loneliness, anguish, rejection, heartache, and ridicule that Jesus had to endure when He was here on earth. All He had ever done was to try and give His love away, but all too often, it was thrown back in His face. Nobody has ever and nobody will ever be hurt, hated and rejected like our precious Saviour. He was human when He was here on earth so I’m sure that there were many times when He cried because He felt the hatred and rejection from people. How it must have broken the heart of our Heavenly Father to see His Son treated the way He was treated.

If you are hurting today and feel all alone, rejected and scorned, tell it to Jesus. He is waiting with His arms open wide and a heart full of unconditional love for you. He will put His tender arms of compassion around you, hold you close to His heart, and whisper softly in your ear “I love you and I will protect you from the heartaches and rejection of this world”. There is no one like Jesus! No one loves like Jesus loves us! What a Saviour! What a friend, this Jesus of Nazareth! Hallelujah to the King of kings and Lord of lords! All hail, King Jesus!

Joanne Lowe
June 18, 2007

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