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Inspirational Article From
Joanne Lowe

Index of Writings by Joanne Lowe on Gospel Web

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“And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.”

Luke 22: 31, 32 King James Version

When our faith falters and we start to sink in doubts and unbelief, we need to reach out and take hold of the hand of Jesus. He is waiting for us with His hands outstretched for us to take His hands. We need to hold on as hard as we can to our anchor of life. Our anchor of life is our precious Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.

He is the anchor who saves us from sinking in discouragement, doubts, fears, unbelief and hopelessness when life’s heartaches and trials threaten to overwhelm us. In the last two months, I have received ten emails from people who have told me that they want to believe in Jesus but they just can’t believe any more.

Oh dear people, it doesn’t matter if we believe in Him or not. He is still Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! He still went to the cross and suffered a terrible agony and an excruciating pain that no person has ever experienced or ever will experience. Jesus did willingly, and out of a compassionate heart that was filled with an amazing and unconditional love for us, allow Himself to be crucified for us so that we may be saved.

Because of His great sacrifice for us on the cruel cross of Calvary, we can be forgiven and saved through His precious atoning and cleansing blood. He has prepared a mansion for us and we can live with Him for all eternity if His blood has been applied to our hearts for the forgiveness of our sins.

There is no greater love than the love of our Heavenly Father and our precious Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. Just knowing that He loves us unconditionally should be enough for us but sometimes we are like little children, always wanting more. How we must hurt Him at times. May God forgive us for doubting Him!

Again, it doesn’t matter if we believe in Jesus or not. He is still the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He loves us so much He died for us. Knowing that He died for us because He loves us so much should fill our hearts to overflowing with joy and happiness. Jesus is all that we need. He is more than enough for every heartache, every crisis and every trial. It is always safe to trust Jesus. What He says, He will do.

Are you holding on to our anchor of life, our precious Saviour? He will never fail you. We are the ones who fail Him and leave Him. I am reminded of the story about a husband and wife traveling down the highway in their car. The wife looked at her husband and said “We don’t sit close together like we used to do.” The husband replied “I haven’t moved.” Jesus is our Bridegroom and He hasn’t moved. He is still as close as a prayer.

When is the last time you prayed without asking Him for anything? Are you moving closer to Him or have you allowed yourself to drift away from Him? If you have moved away from Him, ask Him to forgive you. He understands how you feel and He doesn’t condemn you. He loves you and He will be faithful to once again draw you close to His heart where you belong.

Joanne Lowe
December 11, 2007

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