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Inspirational Article From
Joanne Lowe

Index of Writings by Joanne Lowe on Gospel Web

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“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

Matthew 25:40 King James Version

I read an article in yesterday’s paper that broke my heart. The article was addressing the issue of divorce. I am quoting what one person said “My parents divorced when I was 9. I resent my father and have no respect for him. He abandoned his family for selfish pleasures. The consequences? The idea of commitment is terrifying. Last week, Dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer. We can’t (and won’t) take the time off to say goodbye.”

Yes, this man made a mistake but every person living has made a mistake and hurt somebody at some time in his or her life. There was only one perfect person who ever lived or ever will live and His name is Jesus! The statement that broke my heart was “We can’t (and won’t) take the time off to say goodbye.” This person has had bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness, anger and hatred in his or her heart for many years.

Where would we be today if Jesus had refused to forgive us from that old rugged cross? He said “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23: 34). He was hurt physically and emotionally more than any person has ever been hurt or ever will be hurt. We read in the Bible about all of the torture that He endured for us. However, we can’t fully understand with our human minds the agony, the loneliness, the hurt and the rejection He felt in His heart as He hung there for you and for me.

If we will ever understand that when Jesus said “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” that He meant it literally, I think we won’t be so quick to judge people and say harsh and criticizing words to them. I am just as guilty of judging people and saying criticizing words to people when I allow satan to creep in as you are. Every time that we refuse to forgive people from our hearts, we are hurting Jesus. It is time that we stop hurting Jesus! He has suffered enough for us and we need to be kind and loving to Him by treating people with love and kindness and by the kind and loving words we say to each other.

You may be saved but do you love Jesus? If you are harboring unforgiveness, resentment, bitterness and criticism in your heart toward people who have hurt you, then you are hurting Jesus. Not only that, when people see the way you act and hear the things you say they will not only doubt that you love Jesus; but they will doubt that you are saved. If you are hurting our precious Saviour, stop it!

Ask Jesus to forgive you for hurting Him and ask Him to please take those things away that hurt Him and bring shame to Him. He will not only remove those poisonous attitudes from your heart, He will replace them with unconditional love for others. Again, do you love Jesus? If so, what are doing to prove that you love Him?

Joanne Lowe
November 18, 2007

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