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Inspirational Article From
Joanne Lowe

Index of Writings by Joanne Lowe on Gospel Web

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“And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.”

Matthew 9: 35 - 38 King James Version

Jesus has already sent forth labourers into His harvest and the labourers are every person that has been born again by the blood of Jesus. We are running out of time to tell the good news of a risen Saviour. We must be about the Master’s business and win people to Jesus because God’s clock is ticking off the seconds. Even if our electricity goes out or the battery goes dead, His clock is still ticking. Also, the time to tell our loved ones how much we love them grows shorter.

We don’t know when God will call our loved ones home. Even the next tick we hear might be the one that takes our loved ones home. Also, every tick of the clock brings the coming of our precious Saviour closer. What a glorious and victorious day that will be when we see our Saviour face to face!

What is so heartbreaking is that unless you and I love others to Jesus by our words and by our actions, there are going to be many people who will not be saved when Jesus returns for us. One day we will stand before a Holy God and give an account of the way we spent our time on earth. What will we say when He asks us “Why didn’t you tell your family, your loved ones and the world that I love them?”

We are so guilty of putting things off until tomorrow. We have allowed satan to keep us trapped in schedules, sports, television and all other activities so that we don’t have the time to work for Jesus. There is nothing, absolutely nothing in this life more important than telling someone that Jesus loves him or her! Let me repeat this as it is so important and urgent. There is nothing, absolutely nothing in this life more important than telling someone that Jesus loves him or her! When is the last time you told someone that Jesus loves him or her?

Jesus was moved with compassion on the multitudes but all too often, we don’t have compassion for others. I heard a man say many years ago “I am the only one that matters.” We may think that this is a very selfish man, yet we sometimes act like he thinks when we neglect to tell others of the unconditional love of Jesus.

Yes, the clock is ticking and one day it will be too late to tell your family and loved ones that you love them and that Jesus died for them. Are you going to sit idly by and allow your family and loved ones to miss out on going with Jesus when He returns simply because you don’t have the time or compassion to tell them about Jesus? May God forgive us for allowing satan to steal the time that belongs to Jesus!

Joanne Lowe
October 10, 2007

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