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Inspirational article from Joanne Lowe

Index of Writings by Joanne Lowe on Gospel Web


“The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.”

Psalm 121: 5, 6 King James Version

I put aluminum foil on my windows to keep the heat of the sun from coming in my trailer. The thought came to me just now that just as we put aluminum foil on the windows to keep the hot sun out; we need to allow Jesus to put His foil of protection on our hearts to keep the scorching heat of satan out of our hearts.

When I covered my windows with the foil, it made my trailer dark and I don’t see as well as I did before I covered them. The opposite is true when Jesus covers our hearts with His protection. Our hearts are shielded and the light of the love of Jesus shines brightly in all the hidden corners of our hearts.

He turns the darkness of turmoil, confusion, despair, depression and heartaches into the illuminating light of His compassion, tenderness and understanding. There is nothing that you and I have ever been through or will ever endure that Jesus didn’t experience while He was here on earth. He was rejected, criticized, scorned and mocked. It is no wonder that He is our best friend. He has walked in our shoes and He knows first hand how it hurts when someone criticizes us.

Is your heart covered with the foil of the Love of Jesus? Do you have the blood of our Saviour applied to your heart? Have you made a heart commitment to Jesus? Are you in love with Jesus? You may have acknowledged Him verbally and in your head but until you invite the Christ of Calvary into your heart you will never be saved or have a personal relationship with our wonderful Saviour. Open your heart to Him before it’s too late.

Joanne Lowe
June 26, 2006

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