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Inspirational article from Joanne Lowe

Index of Writings by Joanne Lowe on Gospel Web

The Needs Of Our Hearts

“For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper. He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall save the souls of the needy.”

Psalm 72: 12, 13 King James Version

The words to a lovely song say “He looked beyond my faults and saw my need”. Jesus looks with Compassion and sees the needs of our hearts. He sees the need for us to be loved and accepted by our families and friends. Even when we fail Him, and all of us fail Him, He still cares for us and Loves us. A friend of mine said that when we sin He looks upon us as a naughty child.

O friends, you may think that nobody loves you or cares about you, but I can tell you on the Authority of the Word of God that Jesus Loves you just as you are. There is nothing that you can do to make yourself presentable to Him.

All the money we give and all of the good deeds that we do will never buy us a Home in Heaven. We can only be accepted through the Precious Atoning Blood of Jesus applied to our sinful hearts. Jesus sees our need to be cleansed from our sins and faults and He is waiting with outstretched Arms to welcome us into His Heart and into Heaven.

I don’t know what the need of your heart is today, but Jesus knows. If you need Him to save you, cry out to Him and ask Him to forgive your sins. He will gladly welcome you into His Heart. All of us need Him to reassure us of His Unconditional Love. Yes, “He looked beyond my faults and saw my need”. Praise the Precious Name of Jesus!

Joanne Lowe
March 23, 2006

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