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Inspirational article from Joanne Lowe

Index of Writings by Joanne Lowe on Gospel Web


“Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men.”

Isaiah 29: 13 King James Version

The heart of Jesus was broken as He said this to the people. He can see into our hearts and He knows when we are sincere. We may be able to fool our spouses, parents, children and everyone else, but we can never fool Jesus. We tell people how wonderful Jesus is and that they should spend time with Him, yet we don’t spend time with Him. Giving Jesus an hour a day is not spending time with Him. He longs to fellowship with us.

Many people’s hearts are in their jobs, their activities, their televisions and in their possessions. We go to church and sing songs about Jesus but we wish the pastor would preach a short sermon so we can get home and watch the football game. There are people who leave during the invitation time so they can be the first in line at the restaurant. The invitation time is the most important time of the service and the ones who leave early will see a look of hurt on Jesus’ face when He comes back for us.

Where is your heart today? Does your heart and life belong to Jesus, or to satan? Who are you serving? Do you wake up in the morning eager and excited to tell others about our wonderful Saviour? If we really love Jesus like we should, we will have a desire to spend as much time as possible with Him. We can’t keep our eyes closed in prayer all day, but we can tell others about Him. Jesus Loves us so much that He died a horrible death. How can we do less than give Him all that we have? It all belongs to Him anyway.

Joanne Lowe
September 20, 2006

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