Mr. Son Scheduled to be Publicly Executed.
Dear friend,
Mr Son (right) and his brother. |
A few months ago, The Voice of the Martyrs launched a campaign to help secure the release of Mr. Son, a missionary to North Korea. His story is both tragic and inspiring.
Mr. Son Jong Nam was an army officer in North Korea. He witnessed the brutality of the government when secret police kicked his pregnant wife in the stomach and she miscarried.
Not long after this, Mr. Son and his family defected to China. It was in China that Mr. Son met a missionary and gave his life to Christ. In time, he felt called to be an evangelist to his homeland of North Korea.
Before Mr. Son could make plans to secretly travel back to North Korea, he was arrested by Chinese police and extradited. Back in his homeland, he was convicted of his "illegal" Christian activities and served three years of imprisonment and brutal torture.
After his release, Mr. Son made his way back to China and continued his biblical studies. Once again, he felt called to share Christ with the many lost souls of North Korea.
Mr. Son’s friends begged him not to return to North Korea -- it was just too dangerous. But with the call of God on his life, he returned to share the Good News.
Mr. Son was arrested again in January 2006 and was sentenced to be publicly executed for his persistent Christian work.
During the past few months, VOM has worked with Mr. Son’s brother to publicize his case. Many in the media picked up the story, and top officials in Washington, D.C. wrote letters.
VOM also featured Mr. Son on the Prisoner Alert Web site (, encouraging supporters to write a letter on his behalf. Nearly 4,000 letters have already been written.
This was all made possible because concerned Christians were willing to stand with their persecuted family through prayer, action and financial gifts. The Voice of the Martyrs thanks all those who participate in this effort. VOM says, "Mr. Son has not yet been released, but we remain hopeful this campaign will bring much needed attention to his plight and that of others who are persecuted for their faith in Christ."
If you have not sent a letter to Mr. Son or other Christian prisoners, we encourage you to visit Go to VOM Prisoner Alert Page to be informed of a Christian prisoner you can write to.
Please share this opportunity with your Christian friends and family. |