C. H. Spurgeon
Sermon Notes From Charles Spurgeon
These Notes from Spurgeon, famed for his expository preaching in England at Park St.
and Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, are well worth studying, adapting, and making
your own, for any sound preacher of the Gospel. He is deservedly known
to this day as "the Prince of Preachers," and is arguably the greatest
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124. Spiritual Convalescence.

And I will strengthen them in them in the Lord; and they shall walk up and down in his name, saith the Lord. - Zechariah 10:12.

ENLARGE upon the reference of the text and of the whole chapter to the Lord's ancient people, the Jews.They are so much forgotten, and so often persecuted, and so generally despised, that we do well to think upon the prophecies of a glorious future, which the Lord God has spoken concerning them.

But the heritage of the natural and typical Israel belongs, in its spiritual meaning, to the spiritual Israel; and this promise is ours.To those who lament their weakness the promise of the text is peculiarly cheering.

I. DIVINE STRENGTHENING PROMISED. "I will strengthen them in the Lord."

1. It is painfully needed. We are naturally weak as water.

· After soul-sickness we are sadly feeble.

· In the presence of great labors we feel our weakness.

· We want strength for watching, walking, working, and warring.

2. It is freely promised. See also verse 6.

· Justice might have left us to ourselves.

· Tender love observes our need.

· Infinite power abundantly supplies it.

3. It is divinely bestowed: "I will strengthen them." Hence it is—

· Certain in accomplishment.

· Honorable in reception. How ennobling to receive strength immediately from the Lord Jehovah!

· Unlimited in communication, if we have but faith to receive it.

4. It is gradually received. We go from strength to strength.

· By use of the means of grace: prayer, communion with God, spiritual exercise, experience, etc.

· By the silent operations of the Holy Ghost.

· By the growth of each holy grace, and the increase of life within.

5. It is delightfully perceived.

An excellent illustration is that of a sick man recovering strength. As in his case, so in ours:

· Appetite returns: we relish the Word.

· Difficulties vanish: burdens grow light, etc.

· Employment is desired: strength pines for exercise.

· Expansive views are obtained. We walk abroad with delight, and leave the narrow chamber in which a sickly soul is shut up.

· Pleasure is enjoyed, and gratitude is excited.

6. It is sufficiently continued.

· God continues to strengthen us day by day.

· He increases our strength as it is required.

· He makes his strength more and more apparent in our weakness, till we know no power but his.

II. CHRISTIAN ACTIVITY PREDICTED. "They shall walk up and down in his name."

1. They shall enjoy ease — implied in walking up and down.

2. They shall possess freedom: it is the gait of liberty.

3. They shall be active for the Lord, in varied forms of service.

4. They shall persevere in such activity, walking up and down; and evermore crying joyously, "Onward and Upward?

5. They shall consecrate that activity with care: "they shall walk in his name" — doing all in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Sick souls shall exhibit the activities of convalescence when the Lord imparts strength to them. Those who are recovering from sickness know how happy such a condition usually is.


1. Here is the divine "I will" of omnipotent grace.

2. Here is the divine "they shall" of consecrated free-agency.

3. Here is the divine "saith the Lord" of infallible faithfulness. All these united make our text a glorious one.

Are you sick, sorry, weak? This sacred text is for you.

See where your strength lieth! Look to the Strong for strength.

Believe in Jesus to obtain it! He is ready to bestow it.

When you have it — use it abundantly! Help the weak, bear the burdens of others, serve the Lord with gladness, and glorify God.

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