C. H. Spurgeon
Sermon Notes From Charles Spurgeon
These Notes from Spurgeon, famed for his expository preaching in England at Park St.
and Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, are well worth studying, adapting, and making
your own, for any sound preacher of the Gospel. He is deservedly known
to this day as "the Prince of Preachers," and is arguably the greatest
preacher who has lived since New Testament days! - Webmaster
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139. Rest for the Restless.

Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light. - Matthew 11:28-30.

JESUS had first taught the solemn truth of human responsibility (verses 20-24), and afterwards he had joyfully proclaimed in prayer the doctrine of election: now he turns to give a free and full invitation to those who are needing rest. These three things are quite consistent and should be found in all Christian preaching.

Remember who he is who thus invites men to come to him.

The Son of the Highest, the revealer of God then and now; he bids men draw near to himself without fear, and rest in such nearness.

The Savior ever living, having once died, is waiting to receive and save all who will come to him; and such he will bless with rest.

In our Lord's gracious invitation you note—


1. Laboring, "all ye that labor," in whatever form.

· In the service of formal religion, in the attempt to keep the law, or in any other way of self-justification.

· In the service of self to get gain, honor, ease, etc.

· In the service of the world to discover, invent, legislate, etc.

· In the service of Satan, lust, drink, infidelity, etc.

2. Laden. All who are "heavy laden" are called.

· Laden heavily because weary, vexed, disappointed; despairing.

· Laden with sin, guilt, dread, remorse, fear of death.

· Laden with care, anxiety, greed, ambition, etc.

· Laden with sorrow, poverty, oppression, slander, etc.

· Laden with doubt, temptation, conflict, inner faintness, etc.


1. Rest to be given. "I will give you rest."

· To the conscience, by atonement and pardon.

· To the mind, by infallible instruction and establishment.

· To the heart a rest for love. Jesus fills and contents the heart.

· To the energies, by giving an object worth attaining.

· To the apprehensions, assuring that all things work for good.

2. Rest to be found. "Ye shall find rest unto your souls."

· This is rest upon rest, deepening, settling.

· This is rest which comes of conquered passion, desire, etc.

· This is rest which comes of being fully consecrated to the Lord.

How such rest would cheer you, strengthen you, save you!

How it would counteract the labors and the loads!


l. "Come unto me."

· Come to a person, to Jesus, the living Savior and Example.

· Come at once, Jesus is ready now. Are you?

· Come all who labor and are loaded. None will be refused.

· Come laden, with your burdens on your hearts, and "I will give you rest." Come as you are. Come by faith.

2. "Take my yoke upon you."

· Be obedient to my command.

· Be willing to be conformed to me in service and burden-bearing.

· Be submissive to the afflictions which I may lay upon you.

3. "Learn of me."

· You do not know; but must be content to learn.

· You must not cavil; but have a mind to learn.

· You must learn by heart, and copy my meekness and lowliness.


You wish to be like your Lord in restfulness and service; then come end learn of him, and remember that he is—

1. A lowly Teacher: bearing with failure, repeating his lessons, assisting the disciple, restoring the fallen.

2. Laying no heavy burden. "My yoke is easy," etc.

3. Giving rest by the burden which he causes you to bear: "Take my yoke. . . and ye shall find rest."

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