C. H. Spurgeon
Sermon Notes From Charles Spurgeon
These Notes from Spurgeon, famed for his expository preaching in England at Park St.
and Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, are well worth studying, adapting, and making
your own, for any sound preacher of the Gospel. He is deservedly known
to this day as "the Prince of Preachers," and is arguably the greatest
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175. Christ The Cause Of Division.

So there was a division among the people because of him. - John 7:43.

EVEN when Jesus preached so sweetly his meek and loving doctrine there was a division among the people.

Even about himself there was a schism.

We may not, therefore, hope to please everybody, however true may be our teaching, or however peaceful may be our spirit.

We may even dread the unity of death more than the stir of life.

To this day the greatest division in the world is "because of him."


We may view the parties formed in his day as symbolical of those in our own.

1. Some admitted none of his claims.

2. Others admitted a portion, but denied the rest.

3. Certain admitted his claims, but neglected to follow out the legitimate consequences of them.

4. A few became his sincere hearers, going as far with him as they had yet learned of him.

Let us view persons who have thoughts about Jesus with considerable hope. Though they blunder now, they may yet come right. Let us not frighten away the birds by imprudent haste.

Let us pray for those who deny his claims, and resist his kingdom.

Let us aid those who come a little way towards the truth, and are willing to go all the way if they can but find it.

Let us arouse those who neglect holy subjects altogether.


This is a great and wide difference, and the more clearly the division is seen the better; for God views it as very deep and all important.

There is a great division at this present hour ---

1. In opinion: especially as to the Lord Jesus.

2. In trust: many rely on self; only the godly on Jesus.

3. In love. Differing pleasures and aims prove that hearts go after differing objects.

4. In obedience, character, and language.

5. In development, growth, tendency.

6. In destiny. The directions of the lines of life point at different places as the end of the journey.

This cleavage divides the dearest friends and relatives.

This is the most real and deep difference in the world.


There is unity among the people because of him.

1. Nationalities are blended. Calvary heals Babel.

· Jews and Gentiles are one in Christ.

· The near and the far-off as to spiritual things are brought nigh in him, who is the one and only center of grace and truth.

· Believers of all nationalities become one church.

2. Personal peculiarities cease to divide.

· Workers for Christ are sure to be blended in one body by their common difficulties.

· Position, rank, and wealth give way before the uniting influence of grace.

3. Mental specialties feel the touch of unity.

· Saints of varying creeds have an essential union in Christ.

· Saints of all the changing ages are alike in him.

· Saints of all styles of education are one in Jesus.

· Saints in heaven will be many as the waves, but one as the sea Ambitions, which else would disintegrate, are overcome, and laid at Jesus' feet.

Let us divide, if there be a division.

Let us closely unite, if there be real union in Christ.

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