C. H. Spurgeon
Sermon Notes From Charles Spurgeon
These Notes from Spurgeon, famed for his expository preaching in England at Park St.
and Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, are well worth studying, adapting, and making
your own, for any sound preacher of the Gospel. He is deservedly known
to this day as "the Prince of Preachers," and is arguably the greatest
preacher who has lived since New Testament days! - Webmaster
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233. The Faithful Saying.

This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. - 1 Timothy 1:15.

PAUL had described his ordination in verse 12.

He then went on to speak of the grace manifested in the call of such a person to the ministry (verse 13), and of the further grace by which he was sustained in that ministry. Incidentally, he was led to mention the message of his ministry. We may profitably use the text on this occasion.


l. As a certainty. It is a "faithful saying." We do not doubt the truth of our message, or how could we expect you to believe it? We believe and are sure because:

· It is a revelation of God.

· It is attested by miracles.

· It bears its witness within itself.

· It has proved its power upon our hearts.

2. As an everyday truth. It is to us a "saying" or proverb.

The gospel affects us at home, in business, in sickness, in health, in life, in youth and age, in death.

3. As having a common bearing, therefore, a "saying" to be heard by all kinds of people, especially the most sinful.

· All have sinned and need a Savior.

· All who believe in Jesus have a Savior.

· All believers show by their lives that Jesus has saved them.

4. As claiming your attention. "Worthy of all acceptation."

· You must believe it to be true.

· You must appropriate it to yourself.

· You ought to do so, for it is worthy of your acceptance.


1. The gospel of a person: "Christ Jesus."

· He is the Anointed of God: "Christ."

· He is the Savior of men: "Jesus."

· He is God and man in one person.

· He died and yet he lives for ever.

2. The gospel of divine visitation. Jesus came into the world:

· By his birth as a man.

· By his mingling with men.

· By his bearing our sorrows and our sins for us.

3. The gospel for sinners:

· For such Jesus lived and labored.

· For such he died and made atonement.

· For such he has sent the gospel of pardon.

· For such he pleads in heaven.

4. The gospel of a finished work.

· He finished the work of salvation before he left the world.

· That work continues complete to this day.

· He is ready to apply it to all who come to him.

5. The gospel of effectual deliverance. "To save sinners."

· Not to half save them.

· Nor to make them salvable.

· Nor help them to save themselves.

· Nor to save them as righteous.

· But to save them wholly and effectually from their sins.


l. Because we have been saved by it.

2. Because we are now in sympathy with Jesus and wish to save sinners, even the chief of them.

3. Because we believe it will be a blessing to all of you who hear it. If you are saved by it, you will be happy, and so shall we.

4. Because we cannot help it, for an inward impulse compels us to tell of the miracle of mercy wrought upon us. Will you not believe a saying so sure? Will you not accept a truth so gladsome? Will you not come to a Savior so suitable?

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