C. H. Spurgeon
Sermon Notes From Charles Spurgeon
These Notes from Spurgeon, famed for his expository preaching in England at Park St.
and Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, are well worth studying, adapting, and making
your own, for any sound preacher of the Gospel. He is deservedly known
to this day as "the Prince of Preachers," and is arguably the greatest
preacher who has lived since New Testament days! - Webmaster
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 Are You Feeding Sheep Or Entertaining Goats? - Spurgeon

252. The Lord's Knowledge Our Safeguard.

The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished. - 2 Peter 2:9.

THE Lord knoweth." Our faith in the superior knowledge of God is a great source of comfort to us—

· In reference to perplexing doctrines.

· In reference to puzzling prophecies.

· In reference to amazing promises.

· In reference to distressing providences.

· In reference to grievous temptations.

· In our entrance upon an unknown world in the last solemn article in death.

The government of this world and the next is in the hands of the all-knowing One, who cannot be mistaken, nor taken at unawares.


1. He knows the godly:

· Under trial, when they are not known to others.

· Under temptation, when scarcely known to themselves.

2. He knows the unjust—

· Though they may make loud professions of piety.

· Though they may be honored for their great possessions.

No error either as to partiality or severity is made by God.


A people knowing, fearing, trusting, loving God.

He knows how to let them suffer, and yet to deliver them in the most complete and glorious manner.

1. His knowledge answers better than theirs would do.

2. His knowledge of their case is perfect. Before, in, and after temptation he knows their sorrows.

3. He knows in every case how to deliver them.

4. In every case there must therefore be a way of escape.

5. He knows the most profitable way of deliverance for themselves.

6. He knows the way, which will be most glorifying to himself.7. His knowledge should cause them to trust in him with holy confidence, and never to sin in order to escape.

III. THE LORD'S KNOWLEDGE IN REFERENCE TO THE UNJUST. They are unjust in all senses, for they are:

· Not legally just, by keeping the law;

· Nor evangelically just, through faith in Jesus;

· Nor practically just, in their daily lives. The Lord knows best:

1. How to deal with them from day to day.

2. How to reserve them under restraints. He makes it possible to reprieve them, and yet to maintain law and order.

3. How to punish them with unrest and fears even now.

4. How and when to strike them down when their iniquities are full.

5. How to deal with them in judgment, and throughout the future state. The mysteries of eternal doom are safe in his hand.

Two fine illustrations of the Lord's dealings with the righteous and the wicked may be found in Acts 12, in connection with Peter's life.

Peter in prison was unexpectedly set free. Herod on the throne was eaten of worms.

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