C. H. Spurgeon
Sermon Notes From Charles Spurgeon
These Notes from Spurgeon, famed for his expository preaching in England at Park St.
and Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, are well worth studying, adapting, and making
your own, for any sound preacher of the Gospel. He is deservedly known
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86. Return! Return!

Return, thou backsliding Israel, saith the Lord Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings. - Jeremiah 3:12,14,22.

IT is a fearful thing that a believer should backslide.

· Such mercy has been shown to him.

· Such love has been enjoyed by him.

· Such prospects lie before him.

· Such comfort is sacrificed by his backsliding.

It is a wretched business for the man himself, since by it nothing is gained, and everything is endangered.

It is injurious to the whole church to which the backslider belongs.

It is mischievous to the outside world.

What is the immediate duty of the backslider? the immediate remedy for his backsliding?

One word sums it up, and it is God's word, "Return."

Let us earnestly note,—


There would seem to be many reasons why the Lord should not invite the backslider to return. We will follow the guidance of the chapter, which will richly repay a careful exposition.

1. The usual jealousy of love. Note the terrible imagery of verse 1. A wanton adulteress is allowed to return to her husband.

2. The abundance of the sin: "Thou hast polluted the land" (verse 2). The very earth felt the leprosy of the idolatry.

3. The obstinate continuance in evil, notwithstanding chastisements (verse 3)."Thou refusedst to be ashamed."

4. The refusal of tender persuasion. "Wilt thou not?" etc. (verse 4).

5. The perversion of mercy. God did not reserve his anger forever, and they sinned the,more because of his long-suffering (verse 5).

6. The warnings which had been despised, Judah saw Israel doomed, and yet followed her evil ways (verses 6-11). It is a great increase of iniquity when we perceive the suffering which it causes others, and yet persevere in it ourselves.

Is it not marvelous that God should be so full of mercy as to bid such revolters return, and repeat the exhortation again and again?


Does it not remind you of other days?

1. When you first came to Jesus.

2. When you were happy with other believers.

3. When you could teach and warn others.

4. When you began to go aside, a little.

5. When you have sinned grievously through this backsliding. Indulge these memories till they affect your heart.


l. It is God himself who utters it. Twice we read, saith the Lord."

2. Anger will be removed: "I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you" (verse 12).

3. Love continues: "I am married unto you" (verse 14).

4. Healing will be given: "I will heal your backslidings" (verse 22). Each verse yields its own forcible argument,


1. "Only acknowledge thine iniquity" (verse 13). What a simple matter!

2. Lament the evil: "Weeping and supplications" (verse 21). Do you not mourn your sin even now?

3. Own the sad result. "We lie down in our shame, etc. (verse ).

4. Trust in God for restoration: "Truly in the Lord our God is the salvation of Israel" (verse 23).

5. Heartily renew allegiance: "Behold, we come unto thee; for thou art the Lord our God" (verse 22).

These things, carefully and immediately attended to, will restore the fallen to their first estate."Return! Return!" saith the Lord.

Oh, that the Holy Ghost may lead them to it!


Such shall obtain—

1. Special guidance: "I will bring you to Zion" (verse 14).

2. Suitable food: "Feed you with knowledge" (verse 15).

3. Spiritual insight (see verses 16 and 17).

4. Childlike spirit: "Thou shalt call me, My father (verse 19).

The whole subject needs pressing upon all believers, for we may have already backslidden more than we are aware.

Upon the conscious backslider the three-fold call should be pressed, "Return! Turn! Return!"

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