The Twenty Third of February.


"The Lord do that which seemeth him good." --- 2 Samuel 10:12.

A Christian still feels the motion of self-will, and, consequently, of sin in his heart. And if it be asked, How can Christ, and sin dwell together in one heart? The answer is, As a king and rebels in one kingdom or town; he does not agree or correspond with them, but subdues them, and maintains peace.

But where self-will has the dominion, there is nothing but trouble and confusion; for unsanctified passions, and a bad conscience, not only are inward torments, but often occasion perplexity and damage in our worldly affairs; whereas in the blood of Christ we have a good conscience, abundance of peace, and can be content and happy in the most indifferent circumstances.

Take heed, therefore, O my dear Christian, never to be led by thy own spirit, were it even in such things as seem to bring glory to God, if it is not of his own appointment.

Our hearts are sometimes very deceitfully desirious of what pleases ourselves, while we pretend to seek God's glory: and were we not crossed in these our designs, they would prove a great burden to our life. Blessed is he who not only prays with his lips, but is heartily willing also that nothing but the will of the Lord should be done in everything.

It is God alone that understands what may be good or dangerous to our spiritual or temporal circumstances. We being often blinded or drawn by our lusts, are too much inclined to choose at random what would be, perhaps, most detrimental.

Saviour, to my heart be near,
Exercise thy shepherd's care!
Guard my weakness by thy grace,
Let me feel a constant peace.