The Fourteenth of September.

WHAT THINK YE OF CHRIST? --- Matthew 22:42.

"What think ye of Christ? --- Matthew 22:42.

And ought we not to put this question to our souls, when our happiness for ever depends upon him, and when without him we are undone to eternity? How ought we then to think of the Lord Jesus Christ? Surely as the Scripture represents him to be,-- "the chiefest among ten thousand," and "altogether lovely." We ought to think of him in his person as the great God incarnate; in his work and his offices, as the Saviour of Israel: we ought to think of him as one in whom justice is satisfied, love and righteousness are manifested, and sinners are saved.

Oh how highly have God's people ever thought of Jesus Christ! And how exultingly do the saints now in heaven think of him! But what think we of Christ, when burdened with sin, when oppresssed with affliction? When we cannot entertain a good thought of ourselves, can we then think of Christ as highly as heretofore? Alas! how very weak is our faith at the best!

Lord, strengthen our faith, inflame our love, enlarge our views, support us in trials, enlarge our views, support us in trials, guide us by thy counsel, and receive us into glory, that we may sing thy praise to all eternity. Amen.

Of Christ we cannot think and sing
Until we taste his grace;
Then he is All in every thing,
Peace, strength, and righteousness.

Devotion for September 14