The Thirteenth of November.


"He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor: his righteousness endureth for ever." --- Psalm 112:9.

"In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withold not thine hand." --- Ecclesiastes 11:6.

Those that lay up treasures on earth suffer nothing to lie long useless, but lend out as fast as they can; and such as desire to reap soon and plentifully, are careful to sow soon and plentifully. Therfore, lend and sow ye also in good time, for there may be times when you cannot show charity, or at least not so largely. We must not pretend to pay the debt of charity with some poor mites and pence. If you will give something, give bountifully; take your hands full, as if you were sowing, like the poor widow with her two mites, which she sowed freely, though it were her whole substance.

But the rich ones which were not so liberal, but covetously offered only what they could spare very well. Is it not said we should sow? Now, seedsmen sow with their hands full, and so should we; for God loveth a cheerful giver, and will in his turn dispense again bountifully to you, that ye should have sufficiently in all things to every good work; (for God dispensing so bountifully to you, why should you then grudge him anything, or only make such poor returns?) for what we do to our neighbour, is the same as if it were done to God himself, if done in faith and love.

Awake, my zeal, awake, my love,
And serve my Saviour here below,
In works which all the saints above
And holy angels cannot do.

Awake, my charity, and feed
The hungry soul, and clothe the poor;
In heaven are found no sons of need;
There all these duties are no more.

Devotion for November 13