The Twenty Seventh of December.

BY THE GRACE OF GOD --- 1 Corinthians 15:10.

"By the grace of God I am what I am." --- 1 Corinthians 15:10.

"Born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God. As new born babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby." --- 1 Peter 1:23; 2:2.

What made the wonderful difference between Saul the Pharisee and Paul the Christian? Grace. What made him trample upon his former legal righteousness, and desire to be found in the righteousness of Christ? Grace, enlightening grace. Wherein consists the difference between the mere formalist and the real Christian? There may be a moral conduct when there is no grace, no principle of saving, divine faith; there may be the fear of the Lord taught by the precept of men, and not by the Spirit of God. One may attend the ordinances of religion; have a regard to outward decency; may have a name to live while dead; be high in a profession; and at the same time a stranger to the power of godliness; many things outwardly decent and praiseworthy may be done without a principle of grace in the heart: witness Paul before his conversion.

Have I this principle called grace, in my soul? Have I been born of the incorruptible seed? Have I got the taste of a child of God? Have I tasted that the Lord is gracious? Then shall I desire the sincere milk of the word; the babe loves the pure milk of the breast. I shall love the milk of the pure word, and from these breasts of consolation will seek comfort and nourishment for my soul. Redeeming love shall be my delightful subject; it will sweeten everything in the service of Jesus, will constrain to extensive usefulness in my track of life; the grace of God in Christ Jesus will enlarge my views, keep me humble in heart, and give the praise where it alone is due. Through the sincere milk of the word may I grow daily, and be nourished up to eternal life. Amen.

Whate'er I am, I am by grace;
And unto be all the praise!
Grace turns the water into wine,
And makes the human heart divine.

Devotion for December 27