C. H. Spurgeon
Sermon Notes From Charles Spurgeon
These Notes from Spurgeon, famed for his expository preaching in England at Park St.
and Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, are well worth studying, adapting, and making
your own, for any sound preacher of the Gospel. He is deservedly known
to this day as "the Prince of Preachers," and is arguably the greatest
preacher who has lived since New Testament days! - Webmaster
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132. The Disowned.

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. - Matthew 7:21-23.

ONE of the best tests of everything is how it will appear in the moment of death, in the morning of resurrection, and at the day of judgment. Our Lord gives us a picture of persons as they will appear "in that day."

Riches, honors, pleasures, successes, self-congratulations, etc., should all be set in the light of "that day."

This test should especially be applied to all religious professions and exercises; for "that day" will try these things as with fire.

The persons here depicted in judgment-light were not gross and open sinners; but externally they were excellent.


1. They made an open profession. They said, "Lord, Lord."

2. They undertook Christian service, and that of a high class: they habitually prophesied and worked miracles.

3. They had obtained remarkable success.

· Devils had owned their power.

4. They were noted for their practical energy.

· They had done many wonders: they were active in many ways.

· They had done wonders. Astonished everybody.

5. They were diligently orthodox.

· They did everything in the name of Christ. The words "Thy name" are mentioned three times.


1. They were not silenced by men.

· No one discovered their falsehood, or detected their inconsistency.

2. They were not openly disowned by the Lord himself during life.

3. They were not made a laughing-stock by being left to use the holy name without result (Acts 19:13-17). Devils were cast out.

4. They expected to enter the Kingdom, and they clung to that false hope to the last. They dared to say, "Lord, Lord," to Christ himself, at the last.


1. Their tongue was belied by their hand They said, "Lord, Lord," but did not do the will of the Father.

2. They used the name which is named by disciples, but did not possess the nature of obedient servants (Luke 6:46).

3. They prophesied, but did not pray.

4. They cast out devils, but the devil was not cast out of them.

5. They attended to marvels, but not to essentials.

6. They wrought wonders, but were also workers of iniquity.


They had the information from the mouth of him whom they called Lord.

Here let us carefully notice:

1. The solemnity of what he said. "I never knew you. " He had been omitted from their religion. What an oversight!

2. The terror of what it implied: they must depart from all hope, and continue for ever to depart.

3. The awful truth of what he said. They were utter strangers to his heart. He had not chosen them, nor communed with them, nor approved them, nor cared for them.

4. The solemn fixedness of what he said. His sentence would never be recalled, altered, or ended. It stood, "depart from me."

Brethren, the Lord cannot say to some of us that he does not know us, for he has often heard our voices, and answered our requests.

He has known us—

· In repentance, seeking mercy, and receiving it.

· In gratitude, blessing his gracious name.

· In adversity, looking for his aid, and enjoying it.

· In reproach, owning his cause under ridicule.

· In difficulty, seeking help and safety under his wing.

· In love, enjoying happy fellowship with him.

In these and many other ways he knows us.

Professors, does Jesus know you? The church knows you, the school knows you, the world knows you; does Jesus know you?

Come unto him, ye strangers, and find eternal life in him!

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